印尼公立日惹大學 (Universitas Gadjah Mada; UGM)暑期課程(免費)

印尼公立日惹大學 (Universitas Gadjah Mada; UGM)暑期課程

今年暑假,印尼公立日惹大學 (Universitas Gadjah Mada; UGM),將舉辦暑期課程,此次課程將以視訊方式舉行。

課程主題:The Development of Cosmetics: From the Heritage to the Recent Advance。同學可以藉此機會,感受國外大學教授上課的風采,並且與不同國家的學生,一起線上討論。

報名相關:The registration for this program is free of charge; further details can be accessed here https://farmasi.ugm.ac.id/en/summer-course-2/

Interested students can apply by submitting the following documents:

Scan of Student ID

Passport-size photograph

1-page of resume/ CV

1-2 paragraphs of motivation letter

Endorsement letter (Not mandatory for international students)


線上上課時間: July 11 to 29, 2022

費用: free of charge

若有問題請洽藥學系許明志老師,分機:5158,mail: hsumj@mail.cmu.edu.tw

附件一     附件二